Hello again!

Wow… I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I’ve updated this blog.  Between updating social media and work I’m doing… this has been put on the back burner, which makes me sad.  I used to love to update this (still do!), but it seems life has changed so much since last year.  I hope you’re all well… if anyone is even reading this anymore (ha)… and I hope you’re staying safe and healthy.  I won’t type much in updates today, but everyone is well, and I wanted to share some newer images of Lennon.  Love to you all…


Happy 2019!

It seems since I switched jobs a couple of years ago, I’ve fallen behind on updating my personal blog.  I miss it.  I recently had a few rolls of my film developed, which I was so excited about, because I haven’t had any developed in ages.   I started on film years and years ago and I also had some film I hadn’t had developed for a while.

One part of my film images was from our Blueberry-picking time last Summer in Charleston.  It was beautiful.  It was SWELTERING HOT… but it made for some lovely memories.  It made me think of when we were kids and went blueberry-picking with Mom and Dad in Florida.  I have the fondest childhood memories.

Here are some highlights of our time together in the blueberry bushes… 🙂


There are some dreams I’m believing I’m going to reach in 2019.  I hope you dust off any dreams you’ve let settle and start believing they CAN become a reality.  ❤  Happy New Year, friends!

Fall 2018

It’s finally overcast and chilly and rainy… and FALL. I love it.

Lucas is back to his favorite time of year to decorate… Halloween. He does an awesome job at it too. Lenny really Loved helping out. 🧡

To update on my guys… Lucas is doing great at Beck’s Barber Shop and really working hard on his career. He’s really gifted at what he does and I am thrilled I have him to cut my and Lenny’s hair at home. ♥️ That’s the best perk. 😊

To update Lenny… He still has Cold Urticaria. Today was the first day he sat out of recess. I’m blessed to teach at his school, so he was able to come to my class at that time, which was awesome. He handles it so well. He has quite a bit on him and handles it all very well in my opinion. He’s so bright but school has not always been easy for him. We recently took Lenny to UTK to see an Audiologist. His hearing is fine (thank the Lord), but already knowing he had a language disorder, we were encouraged by a school psychologist to test for Auditory Processing Disorder. It’s in maybe 5 to 7% of school-age kids. Turns out he has it and it’s a relief to know, because I have struggled for years to try and get Lenny the help he needs and deserves to do better in school… and now we finally have found what it is. In Auditory Processing Disorder, the brain struggles to give meaning to the sounds it hears. People that have it are very smart people… they just misinterpret things or misunderstand… have a hard time hearing or making sense of what you’re saying in noisy environments, etc.

We’re praying daily and trusting God that He will heal Lenny of Cold Urticaria (and bless him in everything he needs with APD).

But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD.” Jeremiah 30:17

As for me, I’m still chasing my dreams of photography, and in this busy season, I had to photograph sweet Bootsy in his Halloween costumes. He’s embarrassed of being a Unicorn, but he didn’t mind being the wildest cowboy in the west. 😘

I hope you’re all enjoying Fall. Every season is a gift. 🧡

Love to all-


Fixing my Eyes on Him

Honestly, it’s been a really rough couple of weeks for me. Tougher than I’ve had in a long time… so much anxiety and stress to the extent of making myself sick. So yesterday I took a piece of paper at school and wrote Jesus a letter… with what I truly needed help with (I highly recommend that, btw). Before the end of the day some things already started to change… then at home, while still feeling bombarded by stressful thoughts, I felt that still, small voice say, Look at Me. (Keep your eyes on me.) And when going to bed, I pulled out my Battlefield of the Mind book (my favorite book ever), and was reminded again about keeping my focus on God through my tough situation… and I told Lucas I had felt like I was Sinking… and remembered… when we Lose our Focus on God and look away, that’s when we sink!! Now I don’t mean I stayed away from God (He is Everything to me)… I go to Him every day…. but  in the midst of my struggles, I clearly lost my focus and He wanted me to Watch him ardently… Fixing my Eyes and my Focus on Him. I struggle with anxiety on a regular basis anyway, so I fight a daily fight to not let thoughts and spiritual strongholds overtake me. So I could even say my struggles probably aren’t often as bad as they feel in my “mind.” Anxiety can take something ordinary to a level of extreme. It truly is a “Battlefield of the Mind.”
“Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses (strongholds).” -2 Corinthians 10:3-4
Today feels much differently. I’m not just trusting Him to help me, I’m remembering to Fix my eyes, mind, and thoughts on Him. I just wanted to share this in case you’re very stressed today about something… Fix your eyes on Him and hand it all over. He’ll take care of it. ❤
“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” -Psalm 16:8

Summer Break

We’re already off to a beautiful Summer break.  Sleeping in late… enjoying the outdoors…    What a blessing to have time to share together like this.  <3.



In His Light

You know those days you just have a clearer view of life and your surroundings? The days God just seems to show a little more of Himself to you? This morning I was taken by His light in 3 places. As a natural-light photographer I’m drawn to light naturally, but this morning it was a different light… even more radiant… it was Holy. I needed it so much. This came just after a much-needed letter I received today that I was afraid to open. What was inside had to also been His doing, because it was a blessing. Sometimes it seems He’s resting while we’re working ourselves to death, but He’s working too. Have Faith in the unseen. I’m overly excited about a photo session I’m doing today, because this one’s for Me. I’ve honestly lost myself a bit these past couple of years, something that God has proven to be turning around in my life. I was recently gifted (from an amazing photographer I admire out west) a seat to a workshop… and this is my homework. If I could shoot anything what would it be… and that’s my boy, Lennon. I have to always wait on the weather to photograph him where I want him because of his current condition (we’re still praying for deliverance)… Not waiting for sunshine… but for warmth. Cold air and water to Lennon is like eating peanuts with a peanut allergy. But tonight we’ll soak in the sun and warmer air. And God will show Himself as He always does. “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

Chuck E. Cheese

I’m so overdue in posting here! Today we had a day off with all 3 of us together… so I wanted to do something fun Lenny could do inside, as he still has Cold Urticaria and cannot play outside. So we had lunch at Abuelo’s and played at Chuck E. Cheese for the win. 🙂 Lenny loved it. Here’s a little highlight reel. (Luc jumping and his encounter with the mouse is… well… as expected.) 😉


Halloween 2017

Happy Halloween! We had planned to do trunk-or-treat and trick-or-treating this year, but we missed trunk-or-treat on Sunday because of the low temperature… and yesterday Lenny came home from school with a fever! I thought for sure he’d miss Halloween from the fever alone, Let alone the cooler temp today. But God Healed Him and he felt great… and his Darth Vader costume (thanks Mimi & Poppy!!!!) was warm enough for us to do a few minutes outdoors. Lucas had to work since he was home with him today from school – so we were sad about that… but we had a fun dinner with Mom, Dad, and Caleb… and Dad even dropped us off at Centenary downtown and picked us up so we didn’t have to walk. ❤️ I’m so glad Lenny still got to celebrate Halloween with all the other kids this year. ❤️ His costume was a HIT!!! Several people were getting their picture made with him. Here’s a little highlight reel: 

Pumpkin Farm

Our tradition is to go to the pumpkin farm with Haley & Jake and the kids, but we couldn’t match our dates this year (with all my weekend work), so I took Lenny straight after school yesterday since this was the last weekend and it was around 70. The temperature was perfect for him to go to the field and pick out his pumpkin. The Lord gave us this opportunity, as I was afraid we had missed our chance with temps being really low this weekend, so what a blessing we made it yesterday with just enough warmth for Lenny. ❤️
